Online Roundtable: How to improve SEND provision in schools and what are the training needs both in service and in Initial Teacher Training?

Members Only

In order to support the work of the Teaching Commission, we are running a series of roundtables. These will be an opportunity for Fellows and members to engage with topics discussed at the meetings of the Teaching Commission and to get their voices heard. Roundtables will typically take place a day before the official meeting of the Teaching Commission and will be attended by at least one member of the commission who will feed back discussions to the commission.

The fourth online roundtable in this series will focus on improving SEND provision and what training needs are required for both new teachers and teachers in service. It will be hosted by  Jenna Crittenden (Teacher Advocacy Lead) and chaired by Dr Haili Hughes FCCT and member of the Teaching Commission. It will take place on 8th May, 4-5pm.


May 8, 2025
4:00 pm
- 5:00 PM