Using Lesson Study to develop attitudinal and intellectual professionalism: Is this ‘the missing link’ in early career teacher support?

Written by: Lindsey Fagan
8 min read
LINDSEY FAGAN, ASSOCIATE LECTURER, UNIVERSITY OF NEWCASTLE, UK; DEPUTY HUB LEAD, GREAT NORTH MATHS HUB, UK; PHD CANDIDATE, UNIVERSITY OF PLYMOUTH, UK This paper considers a model for professional development built around the professionalisms identified by Evans (2015): attitudinal, behavioural and intellectual. It arises from a research study centred on enhancing the support given to early career teachers (ECTs) through the subject-specific lens of primary maths. Introduction  Over the last three years, 21 ECTs across the north-east of England have participated in professional development (PD) that uses a form of Lesson Study to develop their practice as primary maths teachers. The initial pilot project involved 12 ECTs representing nine schools, and the project was repeated with a further group of nine ECTs representing eight primary schools. The ECTs worked collaboratively to plan, reflect on and refine a study lesson, as well as sharing pupil case studies, identifying their own

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