As part of the #ECSeries, we welcome Dawn Cox MCCT, CTeach (Leadership), who will discuss 'RE curriculum and assessment".
In this session Dawn will be looking at assessment in RE. She will look at the challenges with assessing RE and some potential solutions to ensuring that curriculum and assessment align, whilst keeping things manageable for the RE teacher.
Whilst Dawn will mainly talk about Key Stage 3, it will also apply to Key Stage 2 teaching.
Key takeaways
A general introduction to reliability and validity in assessment in RE;
How RE has been assessed in the past;
The pros and cons of different types of assessment;
Using the curriculum as the method of progression in RE;
A mixed methods approach to assessment in RE.
There will be time for discussion and questions. Resources will include links to sites that may be of use to colleagues when considering assessment in RE.
Download presentation
Padlet: Basics of assessment in RE
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