What should we be assessing in religious education, the arts and humanities?

Written by: Benjamin Wood
6 min read
BENJAMIN WOOD, SUBJECT LEADER FOR RELIGIOUS STUDIES, HASLINGDEN HIGH SCHOOL, UNITED KINGDOM Primarily, assessment is concerned with progress. It might try to determine how much progress has been made, and it might aid the making of further progress. Different forms of assessment may prioritise one of the above over the other but, ultimately, assessment is about progress. But what is progress? How is progress conceptualised and understood? If assessment is about progress, then it is vital that we better understand what progress is. I have been fortunate enough to work within a team developing new models of curriculum planning in RE as part of the Religious Education Council’s Religion and Worldviews Project, and, as part of this, to complete a Farmington Scholarship. This has given me time to research models of progress, and in particular this led to the work of Karl Maton (University of Sydney). I would have to admit prior to this opportunity that I had spent little time thin

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