Correct the disconnect: An ethnographic study of a dual stream approach to practitioner development

7 min read
Matthew Tragheim, Head of Maths, Wayfield Primary School, UK Tamara Hunter, Deputy Head, Barnhurst Primary School, UK In 2020, education leaders across the UK were rapidly responding to the ever-changing permutations of COVID-19. Distributed leadership, blended learning models and creative curriculums flourished. However, early career teachers and subject leaders faced many challenges: effective reporting, digital fluency and direct in-school experience, among others. They needed accessible, low-threat and high-impact experiences where they could develop pedagogical knowledge and practitioner skills without fear of failure – an environment where they could gradually develop their craft. This research article will review and evaluate data collected from cohorts of a dual stream practitioner development programme spanning two years (2020–22). A dual stream programme is a two-tier development initiative, one for experienced practitioners and the other for early career teachers (E

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