Could the development of teacher self-efficacy enhance teachers’ own mental health and wellbeing?

Written by: Kulwinder Maude
9 min read
KULWINDER MAUDE, SCHOOL OF EDUCATION, DURHAM UNIVERSITY, UK  We know that teachers’ wellbeing is now at an all-time low, despite being a priority in the education policy agenda in England (DfE, 2021). High levels of anxiety, burnout and depression have been reported in teachers in England (Education Support, 2022; Gibson and Carroll, 2021). Although understanding the factors contributing to teacher effectiveness, retention and wellbeing is a global research and policy priority, with the potential to influence teacher selection processes, enhance the training and professional development of pre-service and practising teachers and, ultimately, improve educational outcomes, not enough robust evaluative research has been carried out to investigate whether or how teacher self-efficacy enhances teachers’ wellbeing. Research by Klassen and Chiu (2011) and Hascher and Waber (2021) has suggested that teacher wellbeing is associated with teacher self-efficacy. However, the mechanism of thi

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