Creating and developing innovation in initial teacher education curricula

Written by: Jose Oliveira
6 min read
The role of teacher education is inherently linked to the type of teachers that a given system will generate and is likely to influence the direction of travel within the educational sector for years to come (Ellis and McNicholl, 2015). The World Economic Forum (2017), in a recently published white paper, lists eight core design principles when transforming education, with five of them being implicitly or explicitly linked to teacher education. One of these principles, ‘future-ready curricula’, has ambitions to ‘create framework[s] for continuous curriculum review and updating’, alongside ‘design and deliver interventions that […] strengthen employability skills and global citizenship skills’ (World Economic Forum, 2017, p. 13). Despite the desire to innovate, teacher education is slow to do so and resists change (Ellis et al., 2019). Many of the transformations thus far have resulted in little to no overall advances in this field and have often caused more problems th

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