Curriculum design and teacher professional learning

Written by: Nienke Nieveen
5 min read
Nienke Nieveen, Associate Professor and Director, Teacher Education Programmes, University of Twente, The Netherlands As a teacher educator and curriculum designer, a great deal of my work orientations are in teacher professional learning in relation to curriculum (re)design in schools. Over the years, I have contributed to many curriculum change efforts in various layers within Dutch education (in classrooms, at school level, at regional level and at national level) and joined many discussions regarding these changes. What struck and still strikes me in these discussions is the desire for quick evidence of effectiveness of the newly designed curriculum arrangements, against the backdrop of the well-known complexity of curriculum change. First, I will briefly introduce my view on curriculum and its complexity, then I will give my take on the hunger for evidence of effects and the relationship with other curriculum quality criteria, and finally I will link these perspectives to contr

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    • McKenney S and Reeves T (2018) Conducting Educational Design Research, 2nd ed. London: Routledge.
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    • Nieveen N and Folmer E (2013) Formative evaluation in educational design research. In: Plomp T and Nieveen N (eds) Educational Design Research – Part A: Introduction. Enschede: SLO, pp. 152–169.
    • Nieveen N, Sluijsmans L and Van den Akker J (2014) Encouraging curriculum change in the Netherlands: The next episode. In: Nyhamn F and Hopfenbeck TN (eds) From Political Decisions to Change in the Classroom. Oslo, Norway: The Norwegian Directorate for Education and Training, pp. 162–183.
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    • Van den Akker J and Nieveen N (2021) Combining curriculum and teacher development through design research. In: Philippakos Z, Pellegrino A and Howell E (eds) Design-Based Research in Education: Theory and Applications. New York: Guilford Press.
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