Do as I do: Modelling self-regulation to promote learning

Written by: Michael Jerstice
5 min read
Mike Jerstice, Reading Blue Coat School, UK Background When you sort the Teaching and Learning Toolkit from the Education Endowment Foundation (2014) by ‘impact’, self-regulatory and metacognitive strategies are at the top. Self-regulation is one of the best ways in which to improve attainment and engagement in any student body, but just defining it is difficult. As we are combining several strands of related research into thinking about learning, allocation of resources and motivation into one area, under one umbrella term, I defer to the experts of the EEF for a definition: Metacognition and self-regulation approaches to teaching support pupils to think about their own learning more explicitly, often by teaching them specific strategies for planning, monitoring, and evaluating their learning. Instilling self-regulation is not a new pursuit for me; since first digging deeper into the plethora of articles and inset experiences spawned from Blackwell et al.’s mindset research

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