‘Doing well and being well’ – what’s the difference? A study of secondary school teachers’ perspectives

7 min read
Rosanna Wilson, Edward Sellman and Stephen Joseph, School of Education, University of Nottingham, UK Introduction How do English secondary school teachers engage with the concept of ‘wellbeing education’? The global impact of COVID-19 has emphasised the frontline role that teachers and schools play in supporting children’s wellbeing. Nonetheless, the nature of wellbeing and its relationship with the role of education remain contested. Data collected for this study from teacher interviews (n=20), conducted during the autumn and spring terms of 2020–21, suggests that wellbeing in schools is frequently framed by administrative needs (e.g. the collection of statistics), with limited consideration given to dialogue and inner experience. Teachers interviewed from 10 English secondary schools, ranging in experience from trainees to assistant heads, all regarded wellbeing as the cornerstone of education, particularly focusing on the quality of relationships between teachers and pupil

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