Embedding a culture of research in school to engage staff and empower organisational change

Written by: Graham Chisnell
7 min read
GRAHAM CHISNELL FCCT, EDUCATION CONSULTANT AND AUTHOR, UK Developing a culture of research in school empowers staff at every level to influence practice and play an active role in the strategic development of the organisation. Research can enhance the climate of a school in four ways. Relationships strengthen, the learning environment is enhanced, the quality of provision improves for students and the heart of the school beats stronger than ever before (Chisnell, 2021a). In this case study, I reflect on the impact of embedding a culture of research on student outcomes, staff engagement and organisational change. What is research? research: a detailed study of a subject, especially in order to discover (new) information or reach a (new) understanding Cambridge Dictionary, 2013 Research can mean many things to different people. To a teacher studying for their masters degree, research can involve a complex set of strict protocols (Thomas, 2017). To a teacher in a busy school, resear

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    • Cambridge Dictionary (2013) Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, 4th ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    • Chartered College of Teaching (2020) Research engagement toolkits. Available at: https://my.chartered.college/content_type/toolkit (accessed April 2024).
    • Chisnell G (2021a) Irresistible Learning: Embedding a Culture of Research in Schools. Woodbridge: John Catt Educational.
    • Chisnell G (2021b) Talent pathways – building a culture of career development in schools. Impact 11: 33–36.
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    • Thomas G (2017) How to Do Your Research Project: A Guide for Students. London: SAGE Publications.
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