Investigating the themes for professional learning to promote the development of positive relationships to support learning

Written by: David Atkinson
6 min read
David Atkinson (CLead), Headteacher, Dr Challoner’s Grammar School, UK  Introduction A core purpose of education, since the time of Aristotle, is to develop the next generation of people of good character, for the benefit of those people and for society as a whole. Recent experience suggests that, more than ever, it is important that we ‘should help prepare for the tests of life, rather than simply a life of tests’ (Jubilee Centre for Character and Virtues, 2017, p. 11). Modern life is more complicated and challenging than ever before, and our young people need to be equipped to manage its uncertainty, competitiveness and relentlessness. A good education for character, alongside academic progress, can prepare them for the challenges that they face today and in the future, and help them to know how to flourish as they become independent adults (Morgan, 2017).  This case study explores a research programme conducted by teachers to identify practice that develops and utilises

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    Stephen Bailey

    This is a really interesting piece to observe as an early stage intervention based around character education. I am considering how to implement a character education pilot programme in a school in which the learners are new to me, so seek to build academic resilience.

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