Navigating the shift to remote teaching: Lessons learned from delivering remote language and literacy instruction

9 min read
Gwennant Mai Evans, Research officer, Bangor University, UK With very little notice, the coronavirus pandemic radically changed the way in which we approach education. A long-established system of teacher-led, classroom-based tuition suddenly became impossible to implement, and educational practitioners were expected to adapt, without instruction on how to do so effectively. Guidance on effective online pedagogy remains limited (Moorhouse and Wong, 2021), and evidence-based instruction on teaching language and literacy remotely is virtually non-existent. Language and literacy skills are core to primary education and are crucial predictors of later educational achievement (Hulme et al., 2020), thus it is imperative to mitigate the effects of disruption on the development of these skills (Baschenis et al., 2021). We developed the Remote Instruction of Language and Literacy (RILL) programme, with the aim of sustaining high-quality literacy teaching during disruptions to classroom teachin

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