Pedagogy in Practice: A programme to improve classroom pedagogy to maximise student engagement and learning

Written by: Charlotte Prescott
7 min read
CHARLOTTE PRESCOTT, DEPUTY HEADTEACHER, RAVENS WOOD SCHOOL, UK Context of programme Ravens Wood School is an all-boys secondary mainstream comprehensive school with a mixed sixth form, and one of seven schools (four secondary and three primary) within the Impact multi-academy trust. Returning to classroom teaching following the COVID-19 pandemic presented new challenges and led to a different classroom experience for our students. Year group bubbles, teachers remaining at the front of the classroom away from their students and adaptions to lesson activities were just some examples of how strategies aimed to reduce the risk of the transmission of COVID. What suffered as a result in our school, and many others, was insufficient emphasis being placed on pedagogy-focused CPD (continuous professional development). A QAR (quality assurance review) of Ravens Wood, carried out by Challenge Partners in March 2022, promoted a review of our programme of CPD and led to the launch of our Pedagogy

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    Sally Spence

    As Director of Education at Impact Multi Academy Trust, it has been a pleasure to see how Pedagogy in Practice has evolved at Ravens Wood School. We are excited to continue to collaborate on this across our schools.

    Last edited 1 year ago by Sally Spence

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