Problem solved: Developing confidence in Year 5 girls through collaborative problem-solving

Written by: Lucie Neal
9 min read
LUCIE NEAL, KENSINGTON PREP SCHOOL, UK Introduction One of the main methods for teaching mathematics at Kensington Prep School is through problem-solving. Within the teaching of mathematics, emphasis is placed on how girls learn to use the skills that they are given to deal with real-life situations and on the ability of mathematical reasoning to equip them to make sense of problem-solving. Since teaching at Kensington Prep, I have observed mixed attitudes among the girls towards mathematics, and while they appear to like the subject and engage in problem-solving, not all girls believe that they are good at it.  A recent study conducted by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development suggested that girls performed better when engaged in collaborative problem-solving (OECD, 2017). Findings from other studies (Brijlall, 2015; DeMatteo and Johanning, 2010; Scoular et al., 2020) also indicate the successes of collaborative problem-solving in mathematics.  It was aga

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    • Brijlall D (2015) Exploring the stages of Pólya’s problem-solving model during collaborative learning: A case of fractions. International Journal of Educational Science 11(3): 291–299.
    • DeMatteo R and Johanning D (2010) Informing practice: A model approach to problem solving. Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School 16(3): 132–135.
    • Mertler CA (2013) Classroom-based action research: Revisiting the process as customizable and meaningful professional development for educators. Journal of Pedagogic Development 3(3): 38–42.
    • Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) (2017) PISA 2015 collaborative problem-solving framework. In: PISA 2015 Assessment and Analytical Framework: Science, Reading, Mathematics, Financial Literacy and Collaborative Problem Solving. Paris: OECD Publishing, pp. 131–171.
    • Pólya G (1945) How to Solve It: A New Aspect of Mathematical Method. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
    • Scoular C, Eleftheriadou S, Ramalingam D et al. (2020) Comparative analysis of student performance in collaborative problem solving: What does it tell us? Australian Journal of Education 64(3): 282–303.
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