Promoting teacher effectiveness through CPD, implementing the design of an online learning environment

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Tine Hoof, Wouter Buelens, Kristel Vanhoyweghen and Tim Surma Over the last 20 years, research into evidence-informed approaches to teaching has gained momentum, which has sparked a worldwide increase both in academic (see Roediger and Karpicke, 2018) and practice-oriented publications (see Willingham, 2009). In line with these developments, continuous professional development (CPD) curricula inspired by best-evidence on effective teaching are growing in popularity (see, e.g. the ECF and NPQ frameworks). Educators in all phases of compulsory education are determined to apply instructional strategies backed by scientific evidence. Effective CPD offers an excellent opportunity to enhance teachers' expertise in evidence-informed teaching, improving students' learning. In September 2021 the Centre of Expertise for Effective Education in Belgium launched an online CPD course for primary school teachers based on the practice-oriented publication Lessons for learning: Twelve principles for

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