Charlotte Mosey, Senior Lecturer in ITT/E, University of Derby, UK
Jack Bryne Stothard, Lecturer in ITT/E and Teacher Education, Research and Innovation Lead, University of Derby, UK
In-service teachers, due to time constraints, often have little time to thoroughly reflect upon their pedagogy, and as such it becomes increasingly difficult for innovative and inclusive practices to emerge within the classroom, particularly those that could support the needs of all learners and promote inclusivity. The COVID-19 pandemic has created significant challenges, as well as opportunities for expanding practice, as the attainment gap appears to have widened and schools are having to focus more acutely on the needs of specific learners. Indeed, the Department for Education (2021b) estimated that by the end of the spring term 2020–21, ‘primary-aged pupils had experienced a learning loss in reading equivalent to 2.0 months of progress’ and in mathematics ‘a much greater learning loss of
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