Education Research and Inquiry Certificate (Leadership) Volume Purchase
This assessment unit is suitable for: Practising school leaders (practising classroom teachers and middle leaders should undertake the Education Research and Inquiry Certificate instead).
The Certificate in Education Research and Inquiry (Leadership) has been developed for practising school leaders and is an opportunity to engage in purposeful inquiry to evaluate a key area of policy or practice in your school, gathering rich insights to support school development in your context.
A school leader would typically be an executive headteacher, headteacher, deputy headteacher, assistant headteacher, director, head of school, or other similar role, where they have either whole-school or cross-school responsibility.
Please note: For candidates who are not the headteacher, they will need to discuss any ethical implications with their headteacher at the planning stage and gain approval for their inquiry project, prior to commencing.
If you are purchasing assessment units on behalf of others, you should check with them that they meet the eligibility criteria prior to purchasing. Vouchers are valid for 3 months from date of purchase.
Start date:
How long should it take to complete this assessment unit?
6 Months
Available credits towards Chartered Status:
What does the Assessment Unit include?
As part of the supporting content for this assessment unit, you will have access to an online course that will help you to familiarise yourself with practitioner inquiry and guide you through the process of undertaking your project. You will also have access to full assessment guidance, exemplars and reading lists.
What does the assessment cover?
You will first identify an area of focus and then undertake a comprehensive literature review to support your inquiry.
You will then carry out your inquiry project using a range of effective research methods to gather data and then analyse your findings. before formulating recommendations based on the area you identified. Your final submission for assessment will involve a written report (3500 – 5000 words) and research poster (750 words) whereby you will disseminate your findings.