Examining the relationships between children’s self-reported affect, executive function and numeracy performance
Case Study Reframing ‘disadvantaged’ as ‘underserved’ in mathematics education professional development design
Teacher Reflection Developing an awareness of the impact of pedagogy on social justice within primary mathematics
Teacher Reflection Interconnecting worlds: Reflections on the contextualisation of the maths curriculum in my classroom and its impact on pupil engagement and voice
Original Research Using the SAFMEDS strategy to support arithmetic skills in Wales: Advancements in applications and understanding since COVID-19
Original Research Making maths visible: Using vertical whiteboards to engage and encourage girls to take risks when solving problems in mathematics
Original Research What Effect does the Teaching of Polya’s Problem Solving Steps have on the Ability of Year 5 Girls when Solving Non-Routine Problems in Mathematics?
Education and Policy Research Summary Tracing the trajectory of maths teaching across two contrasting jurisdictions
Original Research Translating aspects of cognitive load theory into practice: nuanced results from the worked example effect in South African mathematics classrooms