Online Roundtable: How to improve SEND provision in schools and what are the training needs both in service and in Initial Teacher Training?
Research Summary Closing the SEND gap through targeted interventions: Findings from the MetaSENse study
Curriculum improvement through a collaborative approach to governance: The impact of a shared specialism between a SENCo and SEND Governor
Education and Policy Research Summary A New Approach to Area SEND Inspections: A Report on the Response to the Consultation
Perspective Article A case for providing bespoke internal CPD to help ensure equable SEND provisions across the profession
Perspective Article Inclusivity, the trainee teacher and the ‘black hole’ of special educational needs and disabilities
Webinar Teaching Assistants and supporting SEND, a roundtable discussion with the Chartered College of Teaching and nasen
Research Review Supporting students with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND): Selected reading